Tuesday, September 11, 2007
But, knowing I have to be open, I need to press in more on what God is waiting on for me!
Unlike me, it seems God is not too moved by having to have certain things done by certain calendar dates, or what I, in my humanity, define as a life stage. For instance, currently a sparkling 31 years old, career-wise, there are some thing not going on right now that I would like to happen.
I believe an ignorant view, but the one I too often meditate on, is that God seemingly doesn't care about it, or at best, is indifferent to those feelings I have.
But I have been trying, sometimes successfully, and sometimes not, to press into the fact that God wants to bless me. I believe that there is a job out there that can thrill me and be designed made in such a way, that it helps me worship and bring glory to Him, in that it complements me as a person and the way I am made to function.
I just have no stinking clue what kind of job/career that would be.
I still have a dream...I want to own a truckstop one day. It excites me to no end. I marvel at the life of a trucker, a man or a woman who spends so much time alone, working hard, and usually, eating a crappy diet. (Oh, I have done too many cross country drives to want to imagine what it feels like to live ALL THE TIME on the diet I consumed while traversing the Eisenhower Interstate System.) All so that we can get what we want at Walmart or Winn-Dixie that day. I want to own an oasis for these awesome people, and my heart leaps at the honor I could someday have to serve them, and create a place of rest for them overnight, or maybe just for a few minutes as they fuel up and stretch their legs.
So, why don't I go work at a truckstop now?
Well, I want to own one someday. Working for one could teach me how to run one, but, unless I ended up in the right situation, I wouldn't exactly gain a whole lot of capital to reach my goal, which is critical. So, I am looking to get in sales, not only because that leads towards more of the skills I need to develop to own/run such a place, but also, I can generate more money to invest towards the end of getting a truckstop.
But what sales job?
I don't know...I apply, and apply, and apply. I grow weary of my job that has been a huge blessing to me, a restaurant where I work. I was a finalist for a job with a seemingly good company, but after making the final 10, didn't make the final 4, which was the number hired.
I figure that was not the place for me! (Because they sure figured it!) God knows.
Tomorrow, I have to do the only thing I know to do at this point. Go out. Get honest with God. Let him 'speak' to me. While I am not trying to witchhunt failures in my life, I do want to determine if there are actions/mindsets in my life holding me back from the wonderful actions and mindsets He has in store for me.
Fellowshipping with my brothers and sisters last week, it was amazing as the theme came up repeatedly, 'rest.' Now, I am so tempted to make that be, 'Stop applying for jobs, sit there, and God will drop one in my lap.' I am not so sure that is what I am supposed to do right now though...but I am struggling to find the meaning of 'rest' in the midst of a job 'search.' I have a ways to go...
Monday, March 12, 2007
Reflections from my 3rd Anniversary...
So, for our third wedding anniversary, I took my most excellent wife to Cannon Beach for an overnight, and a really nice dinner. I determined before leaving to 1) not watch or read about sports and 2) to give all of my time and focus to my wife and what she would like to do. That went great until she dozed off earlier than me, and I did not have the fortitude to resist turning on ESPN and seeing where my beloved Oregon Ducks were seeded in the NCAA tournament. And like anyone in addiction, (I am not kidding, or trying to be 'light' here...this truly concerns me) once I opened up that Pandora's box, I keep diving into it!
But, other than breaking my inner-vow, everything went really great. And I learned something about myself that 10,000 others likely have noticed or told me, but it got through to me ever so clearly.
Before going, I had this pseudo warrior/macho guy thinking, like, "Ya, I will be a good husband, and take my wife out, and really celebrate our anniversary." I made reservations at a phenomenal restaurant, got a nice room, set aside the 'quality-time,' all so that I could meet her needs. Sounds 'good' and 'moral' to me.
Frankly, after going, I realized I was the one who needed that time! (I am sure Danielle did too!) It was one of the best times I have ever had with my wife, and I can recollect tons of those times! I usually have 4 or 5 things going on in my brain at once, so it seems, and on the drive to the coast, we just started talking, and it was so good. Right before we left, Danielle found letters we had exchanged with each other before we got married, of "30 things we would like to do" in our lives. We didn't take those with us, but we took time out together at a coffee shop to update that list. I needed to do that! With her! I was pretty nuts about my wife before, but I am blown away at how much more I like her after going on this trip! She told me how much she liked dreaming with me about life, and I just wanted to cry. I can't conceive of why she likes me so much, but I have total trust that she does. Anyone who really knows me knows I love to dream and scheme...but with her, there is no one else that I get more satisfaction out of doing that with. Not even close.
I am realizing I put on some phony tough mask or something, thinking that I don't need to take time out like that, but that I need to do it for my wife. But it was so right, and critically healthy, for me. Just hearing my wife's heart was more than worth it all. The mindset I have had about that is worthless, stupid, unenlightened, and ignorant.
I made mistakes our first two anniversaries. Sure, it was tough to afford to do some things, but we merely went out to dinner, and we never had left town before. I realize for us, and the way we are built, even if finances are tight, I think it is a great idea to get out of our daily humdrum for at least 2 days and get a 'different view.' And what excuse do I have with such a beautiful coast 60 minutes from where I live? (Take that, my midwestern friends! ) ( I shouldn't be so hard on myself, when I lived in Kansas City, coming from Oregon, I truly was stumped to find a place worthy of going...seriously, what can compare to the NW?)
So, now, the message many who have cared for me, that likely tried to get across, has gotten across. To be honest, my thoughts convict me, because right now, I see them as prideful. I need rest too. I need to be with/hear my wife too. If we get to go away, it isn't just for her, so she can be OK, it is also for me to, so that I can be OK. I am not that tough/together/with it.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Watching folks eat pigs feet and dog food
Thursday, August 31, 2006
![]() | Watching youth eat pigs feet and dog food. Last week, I had a fantastic time being able to share at a youth camp in Southern Oregon that a great guy, Tim, from Shady Cove Assembly of God invited me down for. Tim is like the essence of ultra-positive vibes, which can't help but make a person feel welcome. The camp theme was "gaining the victory." I was down with that. (I suppose the only alternative would be, "Gaining Losership," and I was not into that.) There were so many ULTRA-FANTASTIC young people at the camp. I have been to quite a few camps in my day, I would have to say, but never had I been to a camp where I saw the young people, in one contest, eat pickled pigs feet, pickled whole cocktail onions, limburger cheese, and dog food. These campers went after it with abandonment. I felt pretty odd being there to share on victory watching some of these folks pound that food away for their team to win. I mean, what do I have to say about victory that competes with that? I wouldn't even consider eating one bite of that stuff, and these guys went all out. Rumor has it their rooms stunk to high heaven that night. No joke. One guy, Riley, for bonus points for his team, drank half a bucket full of pickeled juices, buttermilk, spices, pigs feet, limburger cheese, pickles, ...it was barf making material. He couldn't finish it, and this young lady teammate of his grabbled the bucket, and finished off the last 1/4 of it like a champion after grabbng it from another guy. My gosh, she was impressive. Later, she barfed it all up. Anyhoo...I spoke on victory from the context of 'we' and 'us' experiencing it, as opposed to individual victory. It is my premise, and personal belief, after looking through NT scriptures, and many OT ones, that victory is overwhelmingly mentioned as a group collective as opposed to a invididual thing. We then applied these passages to how, when we are not all activiated in the Body of Christ, victory, truly, is a difficult thing to achieve. Having diabetes, I know what is like when one small group of cells in one mere organ of my body doesn't function...and what it can cost other body systems! It is a crappy disease for sure...it can cause amputations, poor circulation, heart complications, liver issues, I could go on and on and on... As the Body of Christ, are we perhaps experiencing some illnesses when we are not all heard, shared with, valued, esteemed, and appreciated for who we are? I am thinking so. "No eye (singular) has seen, no ear (singular) has heard, no mind (singular) has conceived of what God has prepared for those that love Him, but He has revealed it to us (plural, and written to the whole church of Corinth) by His Spirit." As individual Christians, most believers I have ever known come time and time again to where they need to know how much God likes/loves them, and our insecurities often tempt us to stress over that, causing crazy behaviors and reactions to those feelings as opposed to maturing responses to God's love. I know it all too well, from my own personal failures, truth be told. Yet, here in the word, we can find out how much God loves us...(I would call that a 'victory' myself), but we are going to need an US to figure that out. It takes more than me...it takes others...it takes a team...it takes an us. Another side note from camp: I have lived in Oregon for 22 years of my life, a native son of the state...and this camp was only 16 miles from Crater Lake...and I still have not been there. I need brain surgery, at times, I feel. The Rogue River is beatiful. This state truly has the most awesome geography.
A-Team Marathon on TV LAND
![]() | A-Team Marathon on TV LAND Man. The subject alone of this blog almost makes any words that follow unworthy to be allowed...but here it goes... I rarely watch anything outside of duck football and The Office, but when I found out this was on, how could I refuse. Allow me to share these two story lines of episodes, so you can see how tantalizng this marathon really is. 1pm PST, Sunday-B.A.'s mom, (or to the uninitiated, Mr. T's character's mom) gets beat up by a bunch of crummy landlords. B.A. gets ticked, to the point of WILLINGLY flying in a jet with Murdock to get there as quickly as possible...they broke his mother's arm! (In case you are clueless, B.A. Baraccus NEVER, EVER willingly flew, he is afraid of flying. But apparently, you don't mess with his mom, who, epically, was portrated by the lady who played the oldest angel on Touched by an Angel. Long story short, B.A. kicked everybody's rear end who gave his mom a bad time. What a premise for destruction: "Lets have a bunch of two-bit hooligans break Mr. T's moms arm, and see Mr. T wreck vengeance on the world." For trivia notes, B.A.'s mom referrs to him as "Scooter." Episode, 2pm PST, Sunday...OH yes, HULK HOGAN is the guest star...a bunch of Italian mafia thugs, with a pop who uses the word 'capice' are trying to take over a community center for boys, and Hulk teams up with his main man, B.A., and the A-Team, to have it out. At one point, they lure bad guys into a dark room, which is a gym, which happens to have several buff guys, including Jimmy 'Superfly' Snooka, to beat the crap out of them. Oh, this is TV Nirvana, I tell you. Really, it opens our eyes to realize that The Saprano's, really, was spiritually conceived by the A-Team. Tough to grasp, but true perhaps. See, it turns out, that under the gym, the mafia guys have gold stashed. Truth be told, the A-Team has horrible acting, (but it did improve as the show received increased popularity and budget.) Missing the Hulk Hogan episode...you missed a lifetime. |
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Some thoughts on Colossians 3:22-24
I believe at the end of our lives, and a real big question we will be accountable to before God is, "Did you love." Man. It will be answered by our actions as opposed to our thoughts.
I am pretty convinced when I get there, there is going to be some folks who were African-American slaves in colonial America, and others in from other time periods, who will be revealed with some of the greatest inheritances of heaven, however that is. Undoubtedly there were many, who, while slaves in such an unjust way, determined in their heart, to do everything they did as unto the Lord, and as heartfelt as they could. This despite the fact that they were raped, abused, neglected, malnourished, treated as trash, and viewed as less than human by their masters/owners. I feel that those who were able to persevere in love towards God despite impossible circumstances, will be looked upon by many of us who have had vocational career choices...we could freely choose and train to be so many things, and even analyze what kinds of things we could 'love well' while doing, and we will be found wanting in an eternal capacity.
I am not a visual guy, but as I have asked God to speak to me out of this passage repeatedly, I often get a picture in my mind of a slave-woman in the South, who is out in the field, working in the sweltering heat, along side of her kids, who are forced into a grueling labor. She has had a harsh life even by slave standards. She is a physically beaten woman. And in this field, mustering all of the determination she has to sing to God, she loves Him, and that she is going to try her hardest for Him, because He is worthy. She recognized God as her Source, and His worthiness, despite horrifically unjust circumstances.
The first several times this happened to me, my eyes couldn't stay dry. Yes, I understand that image can touch anyone, (I hope!), but it speaks to me of the eternal reality of my day, period. I am blown away at the level of stewardship I must possess to walk in the freedom that I do. I may not be a slave, but just as Paul exhorted slaves, I must do everything as unto the Lord, and I need to work well for my human bosses, etc. With the job choices/freedom I have, it is essential, I believe, to be in a place where I can do things 'wholeheartedly.' And I am not so sure any of us have a day to lose when it comes to that heart effort. If I am in a job/place/family scenario where I am not doing things wholeheartedly, I need to reevaluate, or make decisions or changes to make wholeheartedness as unto the Lord the working reality in my life.
What if I work the hardest and diligently at the most noble of things, and did it without love? At best, it is merely religion. I want a relationship. I don't want it defined by my 'spiritual' activities, either. If slaves receive inheritances as rich as I believe they do from God while doing wholehearted work as unto Him while under master's who, in Paul's day, very likely participated in orgies, celebrated the slaughter of precious lives in the Colosseum in the name of entertainment, raped slaves, sold off their children, and we can go on and on..., what excuse do I have? Everything I do He is worthy of. Even if the job I have is for people I have little patience for, He is worthy. He is worthy of my affection in it. He is so worth it.
I don't want to show up on heaven's doorstep and not comprehend and live that to an increasing degree in my life.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Proof That God Likes You Volume 1...The Tempurpedic Bed
Proof that God likes you Volume 1...The Tempurpedic Bed
So, for quite some time, Mrs. Gunnar Falk and I, Gunnar Falk, have been shopping for beds. We liked the Tempurpedic Deluxe model...and they cost a fortune, but thanks to Craigslist, we found a new one for WAAAAAAAAY below market price.Man, it is worth every penny. If Jesus was born today, instead of gold, frankinsense and myrhh, I am convinced the wisemen would dump the myrhh and bring him a Tempurpedic. (Thus, proving their wisdom.)
So, it is made out of material they claim is used for astronauts, to absorb impact or whatnot. It is apparent to me that astronaut foam rules. Because you are reading my blog, my thought is you have a lot of extra time on your hands. You should use some of that time to go to a bed store and try out a tempurpedic. What a difference.
Ever since we picked it up, we have been sleeping so much better. And, moving from a queen size bed to a king size, that is so choice. I highly recommend that to anyone. If I could rule the world for a day, I would still share the same bed with my wife, but I would have my own zip code in it for where I slept. Having space is so cool, I can stretch my elbows out to my side without knocking her head in. (Unfortunately, that has happened before.) I don't have to sleep on the very side edge of the bed to feel like I have enough room. It takes away so much previously unrealized stress from the sleeping equation.
To me, God was very real before I bought this bed. But now, owning one of these beds, it helps me comprehend God more, and how much He wants us to know how much He likes us. I don't know how it all goes, but I can imagine Him up in heaven, laughing with glee and delight over us, thinking, "I sure do like those guys down there...I know what I will do, I will give them an idea for a tempurpedic mattress...that way they can be better rested, and if they are better rested, that can help them all get along better..."
I hope I can get along with all of you better now.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Building a company is hard work: My identity is humbled
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Building a company is hard work: My identity is humbled For the past 5 months being in Portland, my man Nathan and I have been giving it a full time go making books. I really like Nathan...he is all out. |
What God has used vs. What is God's best for us Volume One
Monday, April 24, 2006
What God has used vs. What is God's best for us Volume One Lately, pondering the question of 'what I defend because God has used it' while weighing that against 'what does the Word of God say is the best thing for us' has kept me thinking. What I mean by that, is there are tons of practices we as Christians often do, and we 'see' or 'feel' that God has used them to touch us or others. Frankly, I feel that I am pretty gung-ho about such things. I love it when God does stuff. However, it does not mean that those things are the best that God has in store for us. Unfortunately, I think it is often that we settle for them, simply because we ardently defend how God used them. We then have a hard time pressing in to asking ourselves, "Well, why did the apostles or Jesus do it that way instead of our way?" Too often, I think I dismiss it as mere 'cultural differences' while not embracing something Christ and the apostles meant to make clear to me. For example, how we may practice communion. To be fair, and more than that, completely honest, I believe with everything within me, God's performed incredible changes in the hearts of people, performed miracles, (healings, etc.) in the midst of taking a cracker and juice to celebrate communion. For me to deny that should qualify me for serious professional help...I have witnessed too much. But, where in the word of God does the cracker/juice thing come up as opposed to a meal? Let me submit this: never. Depending on your translation, when Jesus takes the cup, He says, "Do this in remembrance of me..." What was this? Well, it was not only a meal. It was the Passover meal. In context, from the living Word itself, during a Passover meal, Jesus says, "Do this..." I also would also like to make note that in no translation do we see, "Contemplate doing this..." or "If you have a really large crowd, forget a meal, forget the passover, and once a month give them cracker and juice and say a bunch of pious words." Once again, He says, "Do this..." (Remember, I seriously praise God for things in my own life I have had happen in the midst of communion with cracker and juice, I have forgiven people, had great reflections, seen mighty works done, etc. What we are getting at is, "But is there something even more by living the Word as Jesus asked?" Borrowing language from Dedrick Bonhoeffer, (whose name I likely misspelled,) I am going to use the phrases 'cheap grace' vs. 'costly grace.' (In context, cheap grace is bad, while costly grace is what we should aspire to live.) To me, I am convicted of settling for only practicing communion with the juice and cracker/piece of bread format, which, truthfully, costs me about zero. Almost always, someone else prepared it, I walk into a gathering, we transition into communion time, and I partake, and go on my merry way. What if I had to set aside a serious block of time, prepare a meal with others,and be intentional about sitting down with them to do what we were about to do. When we ponder forgiveness, I have to look all of them in the eyes across the table, and really know in my heart I have forgiven. I can't just generally scan over a crowd, and think, "I am cool with these people." I may have to look a brother or sister right in the face who ticked me off recently, and come to a decision point before partaking. The whole thing takes at least an hour and a half if not more, as we practice communion together and with God. In other words, I may have to miss the early edition of SportsCenter to do it. Also, I know the other participants rather well...well enough that our little quirks have all rubbed against each other, etc...leaving plenty of opportunity for forgiveness and heart change amongst each other. I submit that is a picture more in tune with a real or 'costly grace.' For those who may think, "Man, that just gets a bit too close or crosses the boundary of legalism," let me submit this. I believe Jesus is love, and I believe He is mega-passionate about us to the point that for each and every one of us, He wants His very best. Why then, would He have said things in the context and practices of which He said them, not having that in mind. I think because the 'meal' method and practicing the Passover are the absolute best things for us! (While not the direct point of this writing, other than Passover, I would encourage folks to read Acts 2:42 and other passages in the New Testament where eating meals together was a very common thing.) |
Exclusively Belonging to Segregated Christian Groups
Monday, February 27, 2006
Exclusively Belonging to Segregated Christian Groups Over the past several years, one thing that has been a strong, strong caution in my spirit, I believe, is what has too often been my practice and the practice of many others of exclusively belonging in segregated Christian groups, shutting out the other wonderful expressions of Jesus that the rest of His body has to offer. |
I and Myself vs. Us and We in Worship Music
Friday, February 17, 2006
I and myself vs. Us and We in Worship Music Well, here is something that could cause deep thought I hope, but it may cause weird reactions unless I am clear...so hopefully, I can be clear! |
Long Sermons that Bore
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Long Sermons that bore... I had this thought that for the last 2 years, has been mindboggling me. Matthew 5-7, the 'Sermon on the Mount', in which, at the end, Jesus basically says, "Hey, this is the key foundational stuff here, if you get it, you are building on the right foundation, etc. Anyway, using my most excellent wife as a listener, I read it outloud, and, trying to be fair, read it REALLY, REALLY slow. It took less than 19 minutes. So, the most foundational message, the 'sermon' that uncountable 45 minute and above sermons have been preached on, was likely shared in less than 20 minutes. Those are some fair questions, I think. I have heard many GREAT sermons, and benefitted from them. But I wonder if more benefit could be gleaned in my life and the lives of others if we looked at structures and habits we have in our practice of following Jesus if we went about some things in a different way.
Books I have been reading (from Feb, 2006)
Friday, February 03, 2006
Books I have been reading.... Hello there peoples. For my first practice blog, I will be writing out my latest reads. |