Sunday, August 17, 2008
My New Blog home... There are too many people, smarter at software than me, that I know and who have gone that route...and thus I have too. I have MUCH more updated stuff there....
Friday, May 30, 2008
$34 Water
Friday, May 16, 2008
![]() | $34 Water Tonight, I waited on a table that ended up ordering 4 one litre bottles of our still water. For those 4 waters, their water bill alone on thier ticket was $34. I SOLD $34 OF WATER TO A STINKING TABLE. Sometimes, I can't tell if I love my job, or if it wants to make me cry. |
100,000 Miles Hits Glorious Sunset High School
Monday, April 28, 2008
![]() | 100,000 Miles Hits Glorious Sunset High School As anyone who is truly open minded knows, Sunset High School is the most glorious high school ever, producing the richest crop of alumni of any school in secondary educational history. Fortunately for me, I happened to go there. |
If I won the lottery...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
![]() | If I won the lottery.... Secretly, for about the last four months, I have fantasized about winning the lottery. (It helps that the Mega Ball or whatever-it-is billboard is right on my way home.) Granted, to win the lottery, it helps to play it, I am sure. But deeper than that, I have pondered the question, if I had a100 million windfall land in my lap, what would I do with it. |
My $102 Mistake
Sunday, April 13, 2008
![]() | My $102 Mistake Tonight, doing what it is I do at Morton's, I made an error, and served someone the wrong bottle on our wine list. The gentleman ordered a Malbec, a type of red wine from Argentina...and low and behold, we have a few different versions of Malbec on hand, and I did not ask him for the bin number on his bottle, even though he pointed at the one he wanted. Anyways, the bottle he presumes he tried to order costed $45..and I served him another bottle that sells for $147. |
My New Job...and My Heart, Part 2
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
![]() | My New Job...and My Heart, Part 2 Ha! So I made it all through my testing, and I am officially on the staff at my new job. I am way down with that scenario. |
My New Job...and My Heart...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
![]() | My New Job...and my heart... So, I have a new job, at Morton’s downtown. It is a rather high end restaurant. |
The Bodyguard Movie Review
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
![]() | The Bodyguard...The Movie Review Do to sheer demand from people wanting to get far, far deeper into the 'Whitney vs. Celine' arguement, (if you can call it has been pretty much determined, Whitney wins, hands down) I took the liberty of rewatching, for the first time since it came out, The Bodyguard, starring Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner. The following consists of my random observations. |
Epic Battle 1: Whitney Houston Vs. Celine Dion
Friday, December 21, 2007
Epic Battle 1: Whitney Houston Vs. Celine Dion I got impassioned about this the other day with people, but SERIOUSLY, how can anyone like Celine Dion more than Whitney Houston, music wise. (And SERIOUSLY, is there anything better than debating who is better amongst two singers you won't even willingly choose to listen to?) It is completely unfathomable to me. This is the true epic matchup: have Whitney sing 10 of Celine's songs, and Celine sing 10 of Whitney's songs, American Idol style and all, and who would win? There is no way that Whitney wouldn't take it all. For instance, Whitney singing "I'm your lady, and you are my man," (sidenote, that song is puke, but Whitney could make it tolerable due to her vast 'keeping it real' stage presence as opposed to Celine) while Celine tries to sing, "I'm Every Woman." I mean, if I heard her do that, I would just start laughing, where as when Whitney sings, it, like it or not, you believe she believes what she is singing, and you are not going to mess with that. |
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
But, knowing I have to be open, I need to press in more on what God is waiting on for me!
Unlike me, it seems God is not too moved by having to have certain things done by certain calendar dates, or what I, in my humanity, define as a life stage. For instance, currently a sparkling 31 years old, career-wise, there are some thing not going on right now that I would like to happen.
I believe an ignorant view, but the one I too often meditate on, is that God seemingly doesn't care about it, or at best, is indifferent to those feelings I have.
But I have been trying, sometimes successfully, and sometimes not, to press into the fact that God wants to bless me. I believe that there is a job out there that can thrill me and be designed made in such a way, that it helps me worship and bring glory to Him, in that it complements me as a person and the way I am made to function.
I just have no stinking clue what kind of job/career that would be.
I still have a dream...I want to own a truckstop one day. It excites me to no end. I marvel at the life of a trucker, a man or a woman who spends so much time alone, working hard, and usually, eating a crappy diet. (Oh, I have done too many cross country drives to want to imagine what it feels like to live ALL THE TIME on the diet I consumed while traversing the Eisenhower Interstate System.) All so that we can get what we want at Walmart or Winn-Dixie that day. I want to own an oasis for these awesome people, and my heart leaps at the honor I could someday have to serve them, and create a place of rest for them overnight, or maybe just for a few minutes as they fuel up and stretch their legs.
So, why don't I go work at a truckstop now?
Well, I want to own one someday. Working for one could teach me how to run one, but, unless I ended up in the right situation, I wouldn't exactly gain a whole lot of capital to reach my goal, which is critical. So, I am looking to get in sales, not only because that leads towards more of the skills I need to develop to own/run such a place, but also, I can generate more money to invest towards the end of getting a truckstop.
But what sales job?
I don't know...I apply, and apply, and apply. I grow weary of my job that has been a huge blessing to me, a restaurant where I work. I was a finalist for a job with a seemingly good company, but after making the final 10, didn't make the final 4, which was the number hired.
I figure that was not the place for me! (Because they sure figured it!) God knows.
Tomorrow, I have to do the only thing I know to do at this point. Go out. Get honest with God. Let him 'speak' to me. While I am not trying to witchhunt failures in my life, I do want to determine if there are actions/mindsets in my life holding me back from the wonderful actions and mindsets He has in store for me.
Fellowshipping with my brothers and sisters last week, it was amazing as the theme came up repeatedly, 'rest.' Now, I am so tempted to make that be, 'Stop applying for jobs, sit there, and God will drop one in my lap.' I am not so sure that is what I am supposed to do right now though...but I am struggling to find the meaning of 'rest' in the midst of a job 'search.' I have a ways to go...