| My New Job...and My Heart, Part 2 Ha! So I made it all through my testing, and I am officially on the staff at my new job. I am way down with that scenario. True story, I got really nervous towards the end. I had some final stuff for Friday night, and during that shift, I got the living daylights kicked out of me. They gave me one more shot at it last Saturday night. That afternoon, I showed up for work and took all my written tests, which I aced. (That really wasn’t what I was worried about...I was worried about actually running a shift on the Morton’s dining floor.) Saturday night, everything went a TON smoother, and I was not perfect by any means, but certainly did well enough to justify giving me the offiicial chance to be a newbie and learn. Truth be told, Friday night, after not quite making it, was kinda critical to me, because the very real thought did cross my mind, "Well, you gave it your best swing, and missed, time to pack it in." There was a definate part of me that didn’t want to come in on Saturday night, just to fail again. But I kept reading and rereading my last blog, and determined that was not how I was going to go down. Especially after reading some of the comments to my last blog. I have a few shifts under my belt, and there have been a few more ’humbling’ moments, but it takes time to get one’s rhythym established, learn the best, quickest way to do things, etc. (It is a fine, fine art at Morton’s.) I also am working just a few lunch shifts a week at Red Robin. I worked one yesterday, and it was one of my favorite all time shifts there. I got to have a wonderful guy follow me and ’train’ him, (as if he needs it), and it felt good to come back right away and train somebody, just coming out of training myself. Also, Brian was managing that shift...and I just realized how much I dig that guy...and my other coworkers there. When I finally do go, it will be sad to me, because I so dig all of the wonderful people I work with there....from the servers, the buspersons, and I love so many of the kitchen staff. Nothing against Red Robin, but I now know that I know that I know what kept me there so long...the great people...and certainly not the job! And that is not meant as a slight...it is just the truth. I don’t knowingly have any enemies there that I am aware of, but even with people that I may not have ’hit it off with’ there, I can see the value in all of my coworkers there as people who have neat skills, abilities, cares, conerns, and giftings that, when pondered, are a delight to observe. In fact, the hardest part of my transition is not seeing everyone from Red Robin as much. Sometimes, when we see folks everyday, we can just get so ’familiar’ with them. But when I walked back in for the first time in a few weeks, and I saw Brian smiling as he saw me and asking how I was doing, I was able to see with a ’clear view’ how honored and blessed I have been to be able to work with the caliber of people I have worked with...and still get to, just on a much smaller basis! My new coworkers will really have to blow me away to match that! |
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